Sunday, December 16, 2012


As the problems in Afghanistan continue and the people here become more convinced we should get out, one group is being ignored and that group represents one half of the people in Afghanistan. Guess who? On a recent cover of Time Magazine there appeared a picture of an Afghani woman with her nose cut off. This was punishment for her alleged infidelity. Our President recently agreed to go into Libya because civilians were threatened. How does this relate to what may happened to women when we leave Afghanistan. It seems to me that we use altruistic motives when it suits us. Maybe we would be better served if we just stayed away from trying to right moral wrongs and stuck to national defense. That is a question we as a country are going to face as the Arab Spring continues to spread Sharia Law across the Muslim world. Do we intervene to protect the dignity of women or do we stand by and watch as they are degraded by things like female castration and honor killings. Is this worse than the Holocaust?

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