Friday, December 14, 2012


When WW11 ended the cold war began and I grew up with the idea of the cold war being an important part of my life. Like all threats they seem to lose their effect as time passed but they were reignited during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cuba before Castro was run by a few elites and they were in bed with American companies and the Mafia. When Castro came on the scene he did so as so many before him and announced that he would nationalize business and redistribute income and wealth. He kicked out the American business people and the crooks in the Mafia and this led to the Bay of Pigs invasion. A poorly planned designed to fail attempt to overthrow Castro. He was afraid that the US would once again invade so when the Soviets approached him with their missile idea he went for it. Many people in the US who were of the liberal persuasion felt that Castro was some kind of hero since he wanted to bring down the rich and powerful so Kennedy suffered among his liberal friends for his attempted invasion

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