Saturday, December 22, 2012


I think it would be helpful to you to get a view of the country from an informed citizen whose mind is not cluttered up with economics. My wife’s sister on her 80th birthday was invited by a local TV station to give her view on the economy and she declined. When I asked her why she said she didn’t know anything about economics. I told her that on most major issues there are people who are experts on one side and other experts on the other side and sometimes the same person can’t decide what side they are on, as witnessed by you telling me you weren’t sure if we are facing deflation or inflation. I told her the if she used her 80 years of life experiences along with her God given common sense she could arrive at a conclusions that were just as good as the experts. I believe that these people have always been the salvation of the country and they have kept us from being fooled by experts. Most of us are still looking for the famous one armed economist. In recent years economist have been plagued with the addition burden of politics as they seem to be swayed by ideology just like politicians. They just like politicians seem to be afraid to change course for fear of being criticized. I often see economist on TV and they use past events to bolster their ideas when they fit and when the past doesn’t fit they say that times were different then. I was in management for private industry and I was taught that you gather the facts and make a decision and if new facts present themselves you incorporate those into the decision making process and if the facts warrant you change your mind. I was results oriented and not credit oriented and I think the reverse is true with experts. So much for that vent

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