Sunday, December 16, 2012


With the threat of war looming in Iran a little noticed incident that occurred last August may be a way out. Ayatollah Khamenei issue a fatwa against nuclear weapons last August. A fatwa is a final religious decision absolutely binding on all Shiites within that marja'a's domain. All fatwas issued by a maja'a are written down and publicly announced. They carry almost as much weight as sacred scripture. Ayatollah Khamenei issue a fatwa against nuclear weapons last August. Since Iran has maintained all along that their nuke program was for peaceful use they now have an out. They can save face by pointing out that Islam prohibits the use of nuclear weapons. This way they can continue their peaceful use of nuclear and move away from any military use. I hope that President Obama can make use of this religious objection and by keeping inspectors in Iran convince the Israelis that the situation is under control.

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