Sunday, December 16, 2012


In 2007 Bush was planning on destroying Iran’s nuke program. American preparations for invading Iran are complete, Dan Plesch reveals. Plus Rageh Omaar's insights from Iran and Andrew Stephen on fears George Bush's administration will blunder into war At that time Mohamed ElBarade head of IAEA came forth and said that there was no evidence that Iran was building a bomb. After that report Bush backed off. In 2010 the IAEA announced that Iran had moved their enrichment program underground and had added more centrifuges to speed up the program. In 2011 the pressure to attack Iran was again building with sale of bunker busters to Israel and Saudi Arabia giving permission for Israel to fly over their territory if Israel wanted to launch an attack on Iran Into early 2012 the pressure to go after Iran’s nuke program continued to increase. Iran has dramatically accelerated its production of enriched uranium in recent months while refusing to cooperate with an investigation of evidence that it may have worked on designing a bomb, a confidential report by the UN nuclear watchdog has said on Friday.

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