Sunday, December 16, 2012


One year ago this month, I sent out a letter stating that most voters will not be influenced by the national debt or deficit or even unemployment but they will be upset about the price of gas. I said that if gas is five dollars it will cost Obama the election. I still see that as a strong possibility. A few months ago I said I have a conspiracy theory that Obama may attack Iran using Israel as the front man. This would show him to be a strong president and a man who backs our allies. This is now looking more likely and this is how it would be done. The campaign will start much like what happened in Libya. We have two air craft carriers in the Persian Gulf. Our radar proof planes will first destroy the Iranian ground radar systems and then our central control will allow the Israeli, American made jets to destroy the Iranian air force much like we did in Iraq. Next will come the buster bunker bombs. The Israeli planes can carry 5,000 pound bombs but the larger 15,000 pounder and 30,000 pounder will have to be delivered by American bombers. Once the underground nuke facilities are destroyed the Israelis will declare victory and go home. The price of gas will fade into the background as the Iran war takes the news time. Obama will record another foreign policy victory one much bigger than killing bin Laden.

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