Saturday, December 22, 2012


In the past I have limited my essays to matters of current interest but today I want to wander away from economics and politics and move into the shadowy world of philosophy and spirituality. We were taught growing up about the divinity of Christ and how Jesus lived his life in a manner befitting His divine status. It was as though He was special and not like other men but I feel differently. I see myself as physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and the first three of these as representing my human side but the forth represents my soul. I will never be able to understand all there is to know about God but I do understand His perfect love. I understand this because He has taken a small piece of that love and from that created my immortal soul. He has placed my soul upon this earth and given my soul the power to create. I too am both human and divine. My human side is my ego and my divine side is my soul and these two sides are in a struggle for control. While my soul is God like, I am not God because I am burdened with the human side, the ego. To deal with life God has given me a mind, a mind that has a free will, a mind that can choose what my soul will create. God has given me a body so that I can experience what my mind dictates my soul shall create. Since the soul is in fact a part of God and since God can to anything it follows that my soul can also do anything. This is what Norman Vincent Peele in his book, “The Power Of Positive Thinking”, meant when he said what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. As you look around the world everything that you see was at one time just an idea in the mind of some person. A German scientist by the name of Max Bodenstein first thought of the idea of a nuclear chain reaction in 1913 and many years later in 1940 other physicist put his idea into practice. Think of Michelangelo who answered the question of how he could create such beautiful sculptures by saying the object was always there, I just chipped away the excess marble. An idea has the power to change the world and everyone can have ideas. In the soul of every human being lies the power to create and the only limit is imagination. The soul is not interested in things of this world. Its only desire is to have space to grow. It longs for ideas and wants only to expand and develop these ideas. I hope you can see how this fits in with your recent discussions about individuals who have an idea and develop that idea into a plan and the plan into a program. In most cases the person who has the idea needs help from others to get things moving and if the idea has merit they generally can find this help

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