Thursday, February 9, 2017


Naturally occurring uranium ore contains about 1000 parts per million of uranium. This must be concentrated to 4% or 40,000 ppm to be used in a power plant. That takes it 70% of the way to make a bomb which is 90% uranium. This process is not linear and going from 4% to 90% is faster and easier than going from ore to 4%. If you are making fuel for a power plant you need about 20,000 centrifuges but to make a bomb you need only 5,000 centrifuges. Iran had about 20,000 so the assumption was that they put a preference on power plant over bomb. Iran has one nuclear power plant built for them by the Russians. I have maintained that Iran never wanted to build a bomb and used that threat to get other things and with the nuclear deal they achieved their objective, the release of 150 billion that was held in escrow since 1979 including 400 million in cash. Cash money can be used to purchase all sorts of illegal weapons. “If Iran lined up all their centrifuges and ran it long enough, after a year or so, they can enrich it to a point where it is weapons grade,” Kristensen told LiveScience. Why was this information not well known but the people were allowed to believe that Iran was on a course to produce a bomb. ( – Secretary of State John Kerry said in a television interview screened Sunday that when President Obama came into office he was “dealt … a hand” of “19,000 [Iranian] centrifuges already spinning.” Iran has been working for more than 20 years on this. The US using 1940’s technology built a bomb in three years. North Korea developed a bomb in three years.

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