Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Trump has appointed General McMaster as his national security advisor and this may indicate a change of course from the past 70 years. WW 2 was the last war the US fought with the all-out goal of winning. Since that time all wars have been run by politicians in Washington. This has resulted in putting restraints on how the military can do their job. Korea, Viet Nam and today in Afghanistan and Syria the military is not all in. The old rule of if you are going to go to war then go to win is replaced with trying to get by with minimal losses and collateral damage always keeping one eye on public opinion polls. Most military people say that this in the long run produces more pain. McMaster is seen as a new way for a number of reasons, one of the most important, is his book about Viet Nam. In it he lays out the fallacy of not going for the jugular. Trump has said he will give his cabinet people full rein to do their job and if that is the case with McMaster, look for a different approach to dealing with military situation.

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