Saturday, February 11, 2017


In President Obama’s 2010 State of the Union speech he called out the Supreme Court for its ruling on Citizens United. This allowed campaign contributions to presidential elections to be expanded and particularly those called Super Pac’s. The concern was that the person with the most money would win the election. Recall the old adage that money is the mother’s milk of politics. During this past campaign Clinton spent 1.4 billion and Trump spent 957 million but more important Clinton got 204 million from Super Pac’s and Trump got 79 million. One of Clinton’s campaign promises was to challenge Citizens United but after these results one wonders how severe the challenge would have been. Other differences between a Clinton and Trump administrations would be: Clinton proposed elimination tuition cost at state universities for people with income below $125,000. Clinton would keep Obamacare and correct some of its flaws. Clinton would not raise taxes on middle income America. Clinton would fight for equal pay for women Clinton would raise the minimum wage. Clinton would oppose PPT. Clinton would expand background checks on gun sales. Clinton would spend 100 billion per year on infrastructure Clinton would pass comprehensive immigration reform. Clinton would raise taxes on the wealthy. Trump will try to keep some parts of Obamacare, will not raise taxes on the middle income people, will oppose PPT, will spend 100 billion per year on infrastructure, will build a wall and plan for citizenship for those living here. So that leads us to fighting over equal pay for women, minimum wage increase, background checks on guns, tuition cost and taxes on the wealthy. Of these the only one of real consequences is taxes on the wealthy. Are we having these monstrous disagreements over this one item?

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