Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Most experts are concluding that Obamacare will collapse under its own weight unless something is done to shore it up. This happened because Senator Rubio slipped a provision into a giant spending bill that removed subsidies to insurance companies who lost money on Obamacare. It was called the risk corridor provision and offered government aid to companies who suffered insurance losses because of accepting too many people with pre-existing conditions. No one understands how this got by the Obama people but it did and it was the beginning of the end to Obamacare. If Trump wanted to repair the plan he could start with reinstating this provision but he has chosen instead to repeal and replace. There is a way he could do this and still repeal and that would be to put all of the people who are now receiving free or subsidized insurance into one group and set up heath savings accounts for the rest. This would give everyone insurance and reduce administrative cost since most claims would be handled between the insured and the provider without the intermediary of insurance companies. It would also mean the loss of millions of jobs in the insurance industry. If a person has major medical plan through their company and it has a $10,000 annual deductible over 90% of all claims will be handled individually and the company can set up health savings accounts which provide for most or all of the deductible. People will shop for their health care and use the plan only when necessary since the left over money will go toward their retirement.

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