Saturday, February 18, 2017

The new way

Trump is the outsider who ran against the establishment but just what is this group. The Establishment generally denotes a dominant group or elite that holds power or authority in a nation or organization. These are the professional politicians who have served many terms and have ensconced themselves in the congress and have become the in crowd. The Establishment also includes the career civil servants who work in the various government agencies and of course the national press people who have controlled the news that reaches the people. With the onset of Trump and social media this has all changed and quickly, so quick in fact that these formally in control people are having a tough time adjusting. This may have started with Trump but these establishment types better get used to it because this is the future. Are they upset? You bet! They are fighting for their careers. Some were upset when President Obama continued to campaign long after the election and now it appears the Trump will do the same. This is just one more way to go directly to the people. Have a rally.

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