Friday, February 17, 2017

More jobs

Many people across the land are concerned about the results of the last election and the direction the country is headed. The new way the government is operating is different and thus scary. Change is not easy and makes people uncomfortable. If Trump is able to bring back manufacturing jobs then the turmoil of change will be forgotten. If the boarder is secured and illegals are given a path to citizenship then all will be forgiven. If the inner cities have decent job opportunities and government checks are replaced with paychecks then safer neighborhoods will thrive. With lower corporate tax rates companies will bring back the two trillion dollars from overseas and that combined with a new infrastructure programs will grow the economy. These new revenues will keep social security and Medicare strong while slowing the growth of the national debt. The great economic engine will once again bring back growth in the middle income groups and they are legions. The millions who have given up looking for work will once again start contributing as many in the underground economy will begin adding to the tax base.

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