Tuesday, February 7, 2017

US history

Trumps remarks concerning past American behavior when asked about Putin’s activities has awakened the cause of moral equivalency. He is accused of comparing the US with Russia. This was not brought up when Obama compared the Turkish genocide of Armenians with the US treatment of Native Americans. Obama compared the treatment of women in some Muslim countries with the way some males in America treat women. When Obama compared the killing of infidels by ISIS to the Christian Crusades was this moral equivalency? The United States has a dark side as witnessed by the treatment of Japanese citizens during WW 2, the whole history of slavery, the CIA covertly overthrowing governments during the cold war, the firebombing of German and Japanese cities with the stated purpose of killing civilians and other lesser offenses. The United States is also the country that freed millions from the tyranny of dictators, the country that by way of the industrial revolution and the modern day technical revolution has provide lively hoods to millions, the country that through the free market has pulled hundreds of millions in Asia out of poverty, the country that through medical miracles had freed hundreds of million from diseases like polio and AIDS and finally the country that takes in more immigrants that any other country. The United States is not perfect but it is going away the greatest country in the history of civilization. The citizens of the United States can freely admit that serious mistakes were made but the good that was done far overshadows the mistakes.

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