Sunday, February 5, 2017


In my ongoing journey to understand Trump I have noticed a style evolving. When I say style I don’t mean something that is consciously developed but just a natural way of doing things. With Obama it was similar to a sales approach where the salesman offers three options, at three different prices and the customer feels comfortable accepting the middle option. Obama would explain things in the extremes and then suggest the middle of the road. For example, he would say that Republicans favor no government and Democrats want all government but I feel the proper place is somewhere in between. Trump uses the good cop, bad cop approach. He will state a strong position and then allow his underlings to redefine things in a more middle of the road position. An example would be his favorable view of Russia followed up by the new Secretary of State Tillerson and new Ambassador Haley hard hitting Russia. Why would he choose to be the bad cop? It shows strength. Many in the press long for the days when a politician would use focus groups to select the proper words and the put those into talking points and just keep repeating that. I have long since stopped watching shows that present both sides of an issue by having a senator from each party put forth their views. I stopped because I know what they will say before they say it in most cases I know the exact wording they will use. Reporters keep doing these interviews in the hopes that someone will make a mistake or misspeak. The saying in Washington is once in a while a politician will make a mistake and tell the truth.

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