Thursday, April 12, 2018


During the Obama years three women proposed that the US invade Libya. Samantha Powers and Susan Rich proposed a new doctrine which they called the “The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine”. After having witnessed the slaughter in Rwanda a few years earlier they felt the US could not stand idly by while Gaddafi attacked the city of Tripoli where thousands of civilians would be killed. They along with the help of Hilary Clinton convinced Obama to get rid of Gaddafi and they were successful but left the country open for terrorist to take over and that is where things stand today. We are now faced with another humanitarian crises in Syria and the question is what if anything should be done about. Does the Syrian leader Assad pose an imminent to the US or are we to take action to protect innocent people. Are we just trying to punish Assad or are we trying to get rid of him as Obama suggested in 2011. “For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside. If we could get rid of Assad what then?

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