Tuesday, April 17, 2018

War powers

According to the constitution only congress has the authority to declare war and the last time that happened was in 1941. Since that time the United States has undertaken many military operations beginning with Korea in 1951 without congress declaring war. Korea was called a police action and Viet Nam just crept up on everyone. Because of Viet Nam congress in 1973 passed the war powers act which said that the president must get congressional approval for any military that lasts longer than 60 days but that act has not been enforced. It certainly make sense that congress should decide on such an important issue as going to war but the logistics make it very awkward. The recent missile attack on Syria is a good example. Four military people along with the president spent a week working out the attack plan. If this were then sent to the congress you would have 535 people trying to decide what to do and with the way congress is divided this might never be resolved. It is an out for any president who wants to avoid a tough decision.

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