Monday, April 9, 2018

Foreign policy

The foreign policy that the US has followed over the years is mindful of how to keep a teenager happy. You let them do what they want. The US allows other countries to place high import tax on products while keeping US import taxes much lower. The US allows other countries to maintain low cost defense budgets by using US power to protect them. The US pays more thant their share of the United Nations cost allowing other countries to pay much less. The US pays more than their share of NATO while allowing other countries to pay less. The US shares advances in medicine including new drugs with other countries reducing their need for research and development. The US shares high tech innovations with the world lowering their cost for research. The US university system is the best in the world and over one million come here to study while only 300,000 Americans go abroad to study even though the US is only 5% of the worlds population. Last year more than one and one-half million legal immigrants came to America In 2016, 1.49 million foreign-born individuals moved to the United States, a 7 percent increase from the 1.38 million coming in 2015 The US has more immigrants than the next five countries combined. This does not include any illegal immigrants.

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