Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sweet crude

Most environmentalist seem to be unaware of the climate advantages to using US crude as opposed to Saudi crude. One major difference in crude oil is the sulfur content and low sulfur is referred to as sweet and high sulfur as sour. The oil from North Dakota is sweet much like West Texas oil but oil from Saudi Arabia is sour. 1. Sweet crude has less sulfur content as opposed to sour crude. 2. Sweet crude has fewer impurities as opposed to sour crude. 3. Sweet crude is more environment-friendly that sour crude. 4. Sweet crude is easier to process at the refinery (refining costs are also lower) as compared to sour crude. Expanding US oil production would lower climate problems around the world. Sour crude releases two or three times as much sulfur contaminants as sweet crude. Besides lowering the acid rain threat, sweet crude runs cleaners in engines making catalytic converters more efficient.

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