Tuesday, April 10, 2018


The decision to invade Iraq was based on Saddam having weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and while he had tons of these at one time none were found. Leaders around the world concurred with President Bush that Saddam had WMD. The CIA said he had them and the UN along with NATO. To begin with, numerous foreign intelligence agencies also believed that Saddam Hussein had an active WMD program. The "intelligence agencies of Germany, Israel, Russia, Britain, China and France" all believed Saddam had WMDs. CIA Director George Tenet also rather famously said that it was a “slam dunk” that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We are now confronted with a similar situation but this time in Syria. Everyone says that Assad is using WMD on his people but no one has presented proof. The US is not considering an all out war against Assad but rather targeted bombing to convince him to change his ways. His use of these weapons does not pose an imminent threat to the US but if true they present a humanitarian disaster and many feel that the US should intervene. The use of planes is to be avoided in case a pilot should be captured and the feeling is that missiles can do the job without endangering pilots. People on both sides of the aisle are encouraging Trump to send missiles to destroy Saddams air force and air fields and it is reminiscent of Iraq just before the invasion. Syria a country of 18 million has suffered 500,000 deaths along with many more injured. Over 6 million internally displaced and over 5 million seeking refuge abroad. Currently another million are in danger from Saddam. Some might conclude that no matter what the US does it will be too little too late.

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