Thursday, May 3, 2018

Get Trump

As the controversy surrounding the request by special counsel Mueller to interview Trump heats up both sides have reasons why or why not Trump should agree. In my life I was called as a witness in federal court on two occasions and both times proved to be very uncomfortable. The biggest problem was that I could only answer yes or no and even though I felt I had done nothing wrong it was made to look as if I did. The easiest way to understand how this works is to consider the question, do you still beat your wife. It is either yes or no or take the fifth and in all three cases you are guilty. In Trumps case he has the questions in advance and can answer with more than yes or no but it is still risky because he is considered innocent going in and the best result is to come out that way but the other possible result is guilty. If Trump answers the first 49 questions this will lead to more questions and this will go on and on. If the goal is to get Trump this is a good strategy.

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