Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Ralph Nader's name popped up in the news and I was reminded that I voted for him when he ran for president in 2000. Gore had Minnesota sewed up and I wanted Nader to rise high enough in the polls so he could join the debates. Then instead of listening to the two peas in pod Bush and Gore we would have someone to stir up the pot. Interestingly enough Nader was in a way the precursor of Trump. Nader's campaign centered around the blue collar workers whose wages had stagnated as their jobs were set overseas and automation was hurting them in other ways. These workers felt they were losing control of their lives. Nader was an outsider like Trump but unlike Trump he never created jobs. Trump hired thousands of construction workers to build his real estate empire. Even today Trump employs 25,000 low wage people in his hospitality businesses and he is known for his fair treatment of women offering them executive positions. Women Who Have Worked With Trump Say He Was "Ahead Of His Time In Providing Career Advancement For Women" And Promoted Women In A Male-Dominated Industry. "But many women who have worked closely with Trump say he was a corporate executive ahead of his time in providing career advancement for women. While some say he could be boorish, his companies nurtured and pro­moted women in an otherwise male-dominated industry."

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