Monday, May 21, 2018


The issues of gun violence and immigration have one thing in common. They both are so politicized that appropriate solutions are left out of the discussion. When ever there is a school shooting both sides immediately rush to their respective corners and spew out their talking points. This effectively ends the possibility of looking for ways to solve the problem. Each side feels they have a political advantage of keeping the argument going. The same is true with immigration. The democrats suggested a plan that would legalize some 800,000 dreamers. Those were illegals who came here as children and have grown into productive citizens. Trump said I will legalize those children and their parents or 2 million illegals if you agree to spend $25 billion on the wall and this was turned down. Democrats see these dreamers as a winning political issue and do not want Trump to take that away. Many republicans want illegal immigrants so they have a source of cheap labor. Once they attain legal status they can no longer be taken advantage of and among other things paid less than minimum wage.

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