Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Sanctuary city

This is from yesterdays news. This lady Angela set up the original laws regarding sanctuary cities and it was to protect innocent illegals but later the law was changed to include criminals and she is so upset that she want to run for mayor so she can remove protection for felons. SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Protesters are upset that Mayoral Candidate Angela Alioto is trying to change San Francisco's sanctuary city policy. Her ballot measure would remove sanctuary protections for violent felons. They're upset Mayoral Candidate Angela Alioto is trying to change the city's sanctuary policy. Her ballot measure would remove sanctuary protections for violent felons. While on the Board of Supervisors back in 1989 Alioto authored the original sanctuary city ordinance, subsequent supervisors changed it, and she says this initiative gets it back to her original intent. The intent of that legislation was never to protect felons, convicted felons," said Alioto.

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