Wednesday, May 2, 2018


In Lanny Davis' book he lays out his reasons why Comey lost the election for Hilary. It is filled with poll results before and after the Comey letter showing how it negatively affected the final outcome. In addition he points out how many FBI agents both current and retired leaked information that negatively affected the election. In the last half of the book he concludes that since Trump was elected illegitimately he must be impeached. He then list the five things he felt were impeachable offenses and how the country should proceed. One explanation for the poll results is that certain people refused to answer poll questions including exit polls. Many Trump votes do not believe that polls are honest and refused to participate and this skewed the results. Many people felt that the defeat of Gore by Bush in 2000 was a illegitimate election but they did not suggest impeachment. History is replete with examples of unfair election results but the Trump result coming as such a big surprise is difficult to swallow for many Hilary supporters.

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