Thursday, May 31, 2018

Special counsel

The Trump attack on Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reminiscent of the way in which Bill Clinton handled Ken Starr. “He’s not trying to fire Mueller but he’s clearly trying to discredit Mueller,” York said on the network Monday. “And I think that in doing that he’s taking a page out of the Bill Clinton handbook. Back in 1998 during the Lewinsky scandal, the Clinton White House went on a full-force offensive against the independent counsel. He added: “This is very much out of the playbook of discrediting the prosecutor so when he does something you can argue that it is politically motivated.” So far Mueller is following the same track that Starr used. He has moved from collusion to obstruction to a sexual affair to the presidents lawyer and now to contacts with Saudi Arabia. In this case both investigations are in the swamp and people are not happy about it. I have said all along that if you want to get some dirt on Trump go to his real estate dealings in NY City since that business in that city is full of payoffs and paybacks, but this might expose many other things that those in power would like left alone.

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