Sunday, August 26, 2018

Capital vs Labor

It is time for a grass roots movement and a march on Washington. The gap between rich and poor is too much and some action must be taken. Our motto will be based on Obama's pledge to Joe the plumber when he said he was going to spread the wealth around. We can start with Jeff Bezos who is worth $150 billion and that will give each of the 150 million families a thousand bucks. Next we work our way through Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and on down the line to the other 585 billionaires and that should bring us up to about ten grand each. Next we start on the millionaires and bring our total up to 20 grand. Continue this process until we get down to $50,000 in assets and then leave the rest alone. This figure is arrived at by using mathematical calculations including differential equations and just happens to be where my net worth resides since I don't own a home and drive a 12 year old Chevy. Our theme song will be, "Money Can't Buy Me Love" by the Beatles. We will have guest speakers like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio Cortez to fire up the crowd. We will carry signs saying spread the wealth. It is time for the little people to get their fair share. We are the ones who do all the work. We get paid for our labor but those rich fat cats get paid on their capital. Maybe if we get their capital they might have to go to work. Down with the CEO's, sport figures, movie stars and hedge funds. Go,go,go!

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