Saturday, August 25, 2018

Remove Trump

At one time Ted Cruz was a viable candidate for president but he lost favor when he said that if the republicans capture the senate they would repeal and replace Obamacare. At that time the senate had 44 republicans and 60 are needed to stop the filibuster and 67 are needed to override the presidential veto. There was no way the republicans would increase from 44 to 67 and Cruz knew that. He was just trying to fire up the base. Now democrats are doing the same thing. They claim if they take the house they can impeach the president and that part is true. It takes only a simple majority in congress to offer articles of impeachment but it takes 67 senators to remove the president. The democrats currently hold 48 seats and in this years election 23 democratic seats, two independents and 8 republican seats are open. Once again this is used to hype up the base but such talk is also more likely to cause republicans to vote. The real goal as it was in the case of Clinton is to embarrasses the president not to remove him.

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