Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Risk corridor

There is some misinformation about the slow demise of Obamacare and it is time for a review. Insurance companies were reluctant to get on board because the plan included coverage for per-existing conditions. This is an anathema to the concept of insurance. This allows people to buy health insurance after they are sick. To allay their concerns the "risk corridor" was introduced. This would cover losses by insurance companies during the first three years of the plan. They could now have access to 30 million new potential customers without worrying about losses. This all came crashing down when Senator Rubio quietly add to the 2015 omnibus bill a clause which removed the risk corridor and that was the beginning of the end of Obamacare. The changes made during the Trump years have accelerated the death of the already mortally wounded program. Original Medicaid allowed for pre-existing conditions and now that will be in jeopardy.

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