Thursday, August 30, 2018

LNG exports

Because of fracking the US is now a net exported of natural gas. This not only helps with the trade deficit but as natural gas replaces coal it helps to clean up the air. The US has come late to this market and now exports only 5% of the world's exports. The gas is first liquefied which takes up only 1/600th of the space. There are only two plants that can do this but by the end of 2019 the will be six plants and exports will increase from 40Bcf to 105Bcf (billion cubic feet). The value of these exports will increase from $5 billion to $12 billion and this is just the beginning. As the US builds more plants that can compress natural gas other countries are building plants that can receive compressed gas. Replacing coal with natural gas around the world will do more for climate change than all of the recommendations found in the Paris Agreement. Unlike the Agreement where changes were demanded by governments this movement of natural gas will be accelerated because it is cost effective. Market forces will move more quickly and efficiently than government regulations.

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