Thursday, August 2, 2018

Trump policies

Most people agree that Trump is not like other presidents and that is likely because he is not a politician but a new way has come up that shows how he is different. Most politicians in Trumps position would sit back and ride the economy to re-election but not Trump. He decides to take on the old problem of unfair trade. This is contrary to what most conservatives would prefer and under normal circumstances liberals would like except Trump solicits different responses. Unions realize that unfair trade along with trade agreements like NAFTA hurt their members and normally would see Trumps moves as a positive but once again not Trump. He said he would not touch social security or Medicare and doesn't put fear of deficits ahead of his agenda as witnessed by his willingness to spend lavishly to prop up the military. In these areas he seems like a liberal but his tax and regulation reform makes him a conservative. He offered a path to citizenship for all the dreamers and their parents in exchange for $25 billion to build the wall. He is pragmatic and this irritates both sides and so we hear, why can't he be like other presidents. The career politicians are frustrated as best represented by the never Trump republicans. For many people it is far easier to criticize Trump's personality than it is to criticize his policies and thus the term Trump derangement syndrome. Using this term reflects negatively on those who voted against Trump and that doesn't help.

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