Tuesday, August 7, 2018

German coal

Germany's Angela Merkel became the women concerned about climate change because of her interest in wind and solar power, but Germany still gets 40% of it's energy from coal and 62% of that comes from brown coal which is the dirtiest and least efficient type of coal. The US could be providing Germany with natural gas but instead Germany is starting up new brown coal mines. Germany enjoys a reputation as a pioneer of clean energy. Its leader Angela Merkel was even dubbed the "climate chancellor" when she decided to ditch nuclear power in 2011. But the reality is much dirtier.Centuries-old villages across the country are being bulldozed to make way to mine brown coal — one of the filthiest and cheapest fossil fuels. As the world's biggest brown coal miner, Germany is at risk of missing its 2020 carbon emissions targets. Meanwhile the US continues to lower its CO2 by changing coal power plants over to natural gas while moving toward clean coal for the plants that remain.

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