Saturday, August 18, 2018

Race problems

One of the reasons why racial problems persist is that the subject is difficult to talk about without hunting one group or another. In the schools the disrespectful students are disproportionately black but teachers feel a certain pressure not to point this out. This behavior is excused as being caused by the system not understanding the cultural difference between whites and non-whites. A good example of how this can get a person in trouble happened this week in Chicago when the mayor suggested that some of the violence in his city was caused by not having fathers in the home. This is called blaming the victims and he is feeling the backlash. A number of black writers have gone into this morass and have been ostracized by those they thought they were helping. Thomas Sowell and Juan Williams are two that I have read. Sowell is a conservative and Williams a liberal so this subject can cross political lines. When a child doesn't learn respect for authority in the home it causes him (yes it is mostly him) to get into one difficult situation after another. In some cases he doesn't even know his behavior is disrespectful.

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