Saturday, August 4, 2018

Rationing health care

When Obamacare was being developed Senator Max Baucus stated that there was no rationing in the plan. Contrary to that there is always rationing in health care no matter what the plan. Suppose you are sick with cancer and there is a drug that will slow the growth but cost $50,000. They estimate this will add five years to your life. Should insurance cover that. How about $500,000? What about $5 million? The point is that there is always a cost/benefit to deal with so if you believe that then you believe in rationing. The idea of a single payer plan meaning government insurance is OK but everyone should understand that there will be a panel of experts who will decide what will be covered. You will not be able to go to another insurance company as there will be only one. Now wealthy people will be able to get care outside of the plan by self insuring. Bill Gates doesn't need health insurance and he can spend billions for one more year of life but most people will be stuck with the plan benefits. For example most plans recommend age 70 as the cut off for heart transplants. Now for younger people that seems reasonable but for someone 71 it seems heartless, excuse the pun.

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