Friday, September 11, 2020

Changing times

Bob Dylan said times are a changing and he was so right. I watch the students run cross the icy roads with reckless abandon while I baby step my way to the safety of my car. The young man at the grocery store offers to carry out my bags. When I get out of the car, I first put both feet on the ground. I always put my hand on the rail when using steps. People call me sir and young ladies smile at me. I have to watch movies two or three times to figure out what happened. I used to take a walk and feel refreshed but now I take a walk and the take a nap. Oh there's one more thing but I forgot what it was. These minor inconveniences may slow me down and while I enjoy an occasional trip down memory lane, I have no desire to be young again. I finally have my ego stored safely behind my heart and I see no good reason to let that rascal loose.

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