Sunday, September 13, 2020

Education first

Many leaders throughout the country say that Blacks suffer from the after effects of slavery. This is one of the reasons why Black students are behind in test scores and graduation rates. This assumption is challenged by Hispanic students who also do poorly in school even though they do not have a history of slavery. Others say it is because of skin color but Asian students out perform whites. Add to that the fact that millions of Blacks and Hispanics are living productive lives both economically and socially and it further begs the question as to what is wrong. Some experts say it centers around child rearing. When children grow up in homes that stress the importance of education, where parents teach respect for authority, where children are given firm but expanding guidelines they become students who learn better and behave better. Over 3,000 years ago the Jews spent 400 years in slavery and since that time they have been discriminated against. Even today in the United States the Jews are 2.7 times more likely to be victims of hate crimes than Blacks or Muslims. In spite of that the Jews are productive successful citizens. With only .2% of the world population the Jews have won 20% of Nobel prizes. Jewish families like Asian families stress the importance of education.

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