Sunday, September 13, 2020

Speeder violence

The officer stops a car for speeding. Before he approaches the driver he checks the plates and finds no problems so he then asks the driver for his drivers license and then goes back to his squad car to check. After finding no outstanding problems he writes up a ticket and gives it to the driver saying he was clocked at 43 in a 30 miles zone. Case closed. Same scenario different case. The driver refuses to give over his license, saying you only stopped me because I'm Black. The officer returns to his car trying to decide what to do. Should he call for backup. This means two more squad cars with more officers. If the man refuses it could lead to an escalation of tension and possible confrontation. The officer realizes that someone could be injured or even killed and even if they could avoid violence it still might put his careen in jeopardy, so he drives off. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor says the old adage. You have to pick your battles and a speeder is not worth it.

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