Friday, September 11, 2020

Term limits

Polls show that 82% of Americans across party lines want term limits for congress. This will never be enacted by congress but can be set in play by having 2/3rds of the state (34) legislators approve such constitutional amendment. Since many state legislators have ambitions toward higher office this must be demanded when they run for state office. Once this is accomplished 3/4ths of states (38) must ratify. This would be an uphill battle since the states can call for a constitutional convention but the congress must approve and if the purpose is term limits the congress would likely not approve. Using the ballot box to limit is not working since the approval rate for congress is 21% and yet over 90% are reelected. A typical proposal would mean two terms (12 years) for senators and six terms (12 years) for house members. Currently 35 senators have served more than 12 years and 135 members of congress have served more than 12 years.

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