Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Job loss

China's GDP per capita was less than $300 per year for thousands of years. In 1945 communist under Mao took control and over the next forty years this rose to $1,000 per person. In 1978 the government opened the economy to the free market and GDP per person increased to $3,600 by 2000. In 2001 China joined the WTO and the GDP increased to $8,000 by 2010. In the last 20 years the US has lost 100,000 manufacturing plants and 5 million manufacturing job to overseas countries primarily China. These were the good jobs that the middle income blue collar workers enjoyed and watched big government and big business join hands to send these jobs away. In 1993 the US signed the NAFTA agreement and this resulted in further loss of manufacturing jobs. Remember when Ross Perot said that giant sucking sound you hear is jobs going to Mexico so people knew what would happen. Moreover, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal that nearly 4.5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs have been lost overall since NAFTA took effect. NAFTA has now been replaced with something more fair and this job loss should stop. Bringing back jobs from China is now a promise by both presidential candidates.

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