Saturday, September 5, 2020

Police scores

The emphasis on police departments has once again brought up the testing. For years cities attempted to recruit more minorities and one of the problems was test scores. Many could not score high enough on the written exam and so some cities lowered the passing score for certain groups. Minnesota and in particularly Minneapolis has suffered from test scores and graduation rates between white students and those of color. They have tried over the years to close the gap but have been unsuccessful. One possible solution is to follow what was done in some police and fire departments, that being, to lower the test scores needed for minorities. This would be a ridiculous suggestion if it had not already been used in other areas. This could start with the SAT's and move into the classroom. By adjusting scores equality of results could be attained. This may be the time to propose such a solution since many in the country are looking toward socialism as an answer to problems. As socialism replaces capitalism equality of results will replace equality of opportunity. This will fall in line with what Bush 43 said with what he he called the soft bigotry of low expectations. The gap in graduation rates will narrow as tests are changed. I can't believe that I could even write such gibberish but in today's world nothing surprises me.

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