Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mideast agreement

Presidents since Eisenhower have struggled to get a Middle East plan that would lower tensions but it was only recently that real progress was made toward this goal. Israel and two Arab countries, UAE and Bahrain have agreed to normalizing relations and other countries are looking to join. How is this new US approach different. In the past, the strategy was to work with the Palestinians and Jews to try and reach an agreement but the plans were always sabotaged by Hamas since their constitution says there is no such place as Israel. The new approach was to isolate Iran and it started with canceling the US/Iranian agreement put in place during the last administration. This was followed up with increase sanctions on Iran. This has put financial pressure on Iran and thus less money and weapons going to Hamas. The US will lead a coalition of Arab countries in the region to convince the people of Gaza to take power away from Hamas and that will open the door to negotiations with Isreal.

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