Tuesday, March 30, 2021


For the past ten years most immigrants have come from Asia and 40% of those are from China and India. This group is better educated and most speak English. Allowing these people a preference is called merit based immigration and used in Canada, Australia, England, Japan and South Korea. They are especially adept at science and technology which are skills badly needed in today's world. This is not prejudice as some have claimed since people from Asia and Central America are both brown skin. It is looking for immigrants who can fill an employment need while providing for their own needs. President Biden said we can accept 2 million immigrants a year and this is a reasonable number especially if they are self sufficient. Asians have a proven track record as they have higher incomes than whites, perform at a higher level in school and have fewer run ins with the law. Asian Americans also start businesses at a higher rate than other Americans and small business is the engine that drives the economy.

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