Sunday, March 28, 2021


Reuters news reports that children from Central America make the journey across Mexico in three groups. First some come with families, second some with friends who are not legal guardians and finally some with smugglers with children as young as two years old. More than half the smugglers consulted said they had transported unaccompanied minors in recent weeks, moving them by bus, car, boat and even by plane, which one well-connected smuggler called his network’s “faster new method” to bring children up from Central America. The trips cost thousands of dollars per child and are often financed by parents or relatives already in the United States. US policy allows families with children under age 7 to stay but DNA shows that the children are often times not related. Investigation indicates that children are used for a price to get families into the country and are then released to be used again. In addition unaccompanied children are allowed entry. This results in children being abused in various ways and the facilities are not able to care for this influx of children. One smuggler said that in the past 6 months 90 people have paid him to cross the border. With coyote fees of $3,000 this is $270,000 or $45,000 per month which means this process will continue and grow.

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