Wednesday, March 17, 2021


The Georgia senatorial election in January was pivotal since it changed the majority. At a crucial point just before the election the Washington Post ran a story that damaged Trump. The Post said that Trump had called Georgia officials and told them to "find fraud". This story was based on one anonymous source. It turns out this source was Frances Watson an election official. The election was won by 12,000 votes and some feel this report was the difference. Later a reporter from the WSJ found a tape of this phone conversation and presented it to the Washington Post and they then this past week printed a retraction. The Washington Post admitted in a correction that it had “misquoted” former President Donald Trump telling Georgia’s top elections investigator “to find the fraud,” in December. This is a classic example of too little too late. The Post should not rely on one source and why did they not ask for the tape. The senate now plans to use this vote to get rid of the filibuster. Some of the things they promise to do will change the senate and the country forever. Plans are to increase the Supreme Court to 15 Justices, offer citizenship to 4 million illegals, make Washington DC a state, pass the new green deal and Medicare for all to name a few things. To understand what one party rule means, take a look at California. Four years ago when the republicans controlled the senate, 27 democratic senators, including Schumer, signed a letter asking to keep the filibuster. Once again party over country. Power is a strong aphrodisiac.

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