Sunday, March 21, 2021


There were accusations that Biden had some nefarious dealings with China but there was no proof. So far Biden has been following the get tough policies that Trump installed and this will be evidence that China has nothing on Biden. The question comes up as to how will Biden handle China's aggressive moves in the South China Sea and threats against Taiwan. The best way to deal with China is economically. China needs the US far more than the other way around. The US should set policies that would encourage the return of US business and use incentives for people to buy American. The US should continue placing import tax on Chinese goods. As their economy feels the pressure they will be more willing to cooperate with the West. The American people will have to pay more for American made products as wages in the US rise. The US makes the best quality products but they cost more. Start with appliances and move into electronics. This is from the White House on January 25, 2021.Today, while many American businesses are on the brink of having to close their doors because of the crises that our country faces, President Biden will sign an Executive Order to support manufacturers, businesses, and workers to ensure that our future is made in all of America by all of America’s workers.

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