Friday, March 12, 2021


Trump not only got the vaccine developed in record time he also order enough for all citizens. Last summer the government started purchasing vaccines and this was long before they were approved. It was a way to get a head start so when the approval came they were ready to go. Here were the orders placed last summer. Pfizer-BioNTech: 100 million doses (two-dose regimen) Moderna: 100 million doses (two-dose regimen) Johnson & Johnson: 100 million doses (one-dose regimen) AstraZeneca: 300 million doses (two-dose regimen) Novavax: 100 million doses (two-dose regimen) Sanofi-GlaxoSmithKline: 100 million doses (one- or two-dose regimen) In all, the amounts agreed to under these contracts total about 800 million vaccine doses, or enough for more than 400 million people. This allowed a head start so that when Biden took office the process was well underway. During December 14, 2020–January 13, 2021, a total of 13,794,904 COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered in the United States;

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