Wednesday, March 3, 2021

NY state

Recent reports illustrate the difference between states on how much they need help from the Covid relief. New York is a good example of how not to manage. New York State legislature is under control of democrats and has been since 1976. Currently there are 101 democrat house members and 49 republicans. In the senate there are 43 democrats and 20 republicans. NY population has been on the decline losing 1.5 million people over the last few years. The 2020 census indicated a loss of two congressional seats and the state lost 2 seats in the 2010 census. NY had 39 seats in 1970 and is now down to 27. New York Is the most tax burdened State In the nation. The state is currently $135 billion in debt. This year New York faces a $59 billion revenue shortfall. Gov. Cuomo says services will be cut and taxes will increase if congress doesn't pass another relief package. While the state is in trouble, it was that way long before Covid.

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