Thursday, March 11, 2021


The early timeline for Covid starts in China. The first known case was a 55 year old from Hubei province in China and occurred on November 17, 2019. Following that one to five new cases were reported everyday and by December 15 reached 27. By December 20 the case count was up to 60. By January 20 there are 500 confirmed cases with 17 deaths. Note this is 3.4% which is twice the rate that the US experienced. China locked down all domestic traffic internally by the end of January, 2020 but pushed to open foreign travel till the end of March. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that the virus started with some animal outside of China. The investigation continues as to where this virus started but the question remains as to why China shut down traffic within the country but allowed travel outside the country. No one seems to be interested in this aspect. Once again politics interfered when Trump called it the China virus. Infectious diseases throughout history have been named for geographic locations where they were thought to have originated: Spanish flu, West Nile virus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Zika and Ebola, to name a few.

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