Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Afghan win

If the US could get a mulligan and go back one year and do the withdrawal as recommended by the experts, that is, bring out the people then the equipment and then the military personnel here is what would be left. The Taliban implements its interpretation of Sharia, Islamic law. Education for women and girls is forbidden under almost all circumstances, and women (except for select, approved female doctors) are not allowed to work outside of the home or even leave the house without a male guardian. Women who do go out are required to wear burkas, a traditional modesty garment that fits tightly over the head and drapes all the way to the ankles, rendering a woman fully covered and unidentifiable in public. All forms of entertainment are banned for everyone: music, television, socializing between sexes outside the family. This would be considered a winning withdrawal. The president would announce success saying the goal was to defeat al queda and kill bin Laden.

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