Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Biden's problem

In the 2020 election the democrats fielded 27 candidates and the best of the lot was Joe Biden. The criteria used was not qualifications to lead the country but who has the best chance of defeating Trump and thus kindly and likable Biden won the race. Many Biden voters knew that they were in for a rough ride but not to the extent the country is now experience. The thing about the presidency is that all of the good and bad falls on the desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Biden came in as the country was coming out of lock down and he bragged about the economic boom that resulted. This would have happened no matter who was president. It was mindful of Clinton who saw the dot com boom during his tenure and the whole thing went bust as he left office. All of that would have happened regardless of who was president but he got the credit. Biden is faced with multiple problems and good arguments can be made that he was at least partly responsible for them. The main ones are the southern border, inner city crime and now Afghanistan. Others that will land on his desk are the resurgence of Covid, inflation and rising federal debt. He as only been in office for seven months and he appears to be overtired and bewildered. If his main ally the press begins to question his competence things could get worse.

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